As natural disaster events continue tooccur with increasing frequency at greater material andhuman costs globally, there is an imperative need forcountries to recover from these disasters’ damaging effectswith increased national resilience. The extent to which thatinformation can be obtained in a way that balancestimeliness with comprehensiveness, and is accurate andjustifiable, will accelerate recovery initiatives.Post-disaster needs assessments (PDNAs) is aninternationally accepted methodology for determining thephysical damages, economic losses, and costs of meetingrecovery needs after a natural disaster through agovernment-led process. This PDNA review is the firstinstance of the participating institutions assessing thedemonstrated effectiveness of PDNAs, as the practice hasevolved over the fifty five post-disaster assessmentsconducted since 2008. The United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) and the Global Facility for DisasterReduction and Recovery (GFDRR) of the World Bank Group haveundertaken the review with support from the European Unionbetween March and June 2017. The review focuses on ten areasof inquiry and draws on a sample of fourteen PDNAs. Thecountries that were included in the PDNA review weredistributed across global regions and demonstrated bothshared and contrasting geophysical, socioeconomic,political, and cultural characteristics. This reviewincludes discussions with tripartite institutions andselected countries that have undertaken PDNAs.