Environmental and social responsibilityis becoming more and more important in todayapos;s globaleconomy.There are thousands of environmental and socialcodes and standards in the world today.The codes andstandards define the rules and the objectives.But thechallenge is in the implementation.An environmental andsocial management system (ESMS) helps companies to integratethe rules and objectives into core business operations,through a set of clearly defined, repeatable processes.This Handbook is intended to be a practical guide to helpcompanies in the animal production industry develop andimplement an environmental and social management system,which should help to improve overall operations.Somepeople think that an environmental and social managementsystem must be big, complicated and expensive. But that isnot really true.To be effective, a management system needsto be scaled to the nature and size of the company.If acompany has existing management systems for quality orhealth and safety, this Handbook will help to expand them toinclude environmental and social performance.Sections Iand II provide background on environmental and socialmanagement systems (ESMS) in the animal production industry.Section III provides step-by-step instructions on how todevelop and implement an ESMS.The ESMS Toolkit and CaseStudies section offers tools to help you develop andimplement the systems described in this Handbook, as well astwo case studies in the animal production industry thatimplemented an ESMS.The Self-Assessment and ImprovementGuide offers tools to measure the maturity of an ESMS and todevelop a plan for improvement. For more publications on IFC Sustainability please visit www.ifc.org/sustainabilitypublications.