Country ownership is the linchpin of theComprehensive Development Framework (CDF), according to arecent World Bank report on the CDF. This evaluation of therole of ownership and participation in the CDF will examinethese issues by addressing five specific questions: (1) hasthe CDF been successful in reflecting the new developmentconsensus, in particular, the emphasis on ownership andparticipation?; (2) to what extent have aid agencies andorganizations adopted ownership and participation as centralto their operations?; (3) has the existence of theComprehensive Development Framework led to the emphasis onownership and participation among aid agencies?; (4) to whatextent have governments receiving aid ‘owned’ the aid andsought the participation of their bureaucracies, parliamentsand civil societies in planning and implementing theaid-funded activities?; (5) has better ownership led tobetter-designed and implemented policies and fewer policyrollbacks?; The following sections will first introduce theconcept of ownership and participation and theirincorporation in the CDF; then examine the role of ownershipand participation in the activities of aid donors; third,examine ownership and participation in the work of aidrecipients and finally, the extent to which the CDF has beenput into use and has helped internalize/operationalize theconcept of ownership and participation.