This IFC SmartBook is a compilation ofsixteen IFC SmartLessons that presents practical lessonslearned by staff from across the IFC and the World Bank onapproaches for engaging in agriculture that have led tosuccess. Agribusiness is a crucial economic sector, for foodsecurity of course, for managing water stress and ecosystemservices, but also as a source of employment in emergingmarkets. The report includes the following lessons. Sowingthe seeds of sustainability : a case project with Unifrutti,IFC, and smallholder banana farmers in the Philippines, byNatalie Macawaris, Colin Taylor, and Carla Zamora-Galinato.Harvesting the fruits of your hard work, frustration, andpatience : implementing an agribusiness project in Kandahar,Afghanistan, by Hazem Hanbal and Selcuk Tanatar. TakingHaitian agriculture to the cloud : implementing google appsfor government at the ministry of agriculture, by DiegoArias and Nicolas Weber. Fish farmers meet new technology:raising the aquaculture productivity of small farmers inAssam, by Grahame Dixie and Manivannan Pathy. Grain by grain: from Punjab to global - lessons from the breadbasket ofIndia, by Jay Lurie and Neeraj Gupta. From crisis responseto sustainable strategy : addressing food security in Nepal,by Gayatri Acharya and Mirella Hernani. Adapting to climatechange in Bangladesh : stress-tolerant seeds forstress-prone regions, by Anika Ali and Mrinal Sircar.Assessing the carbon benefits of improved land managementtechnologies, by Ademola Braimoh. The fun and the defianceof innovation : going reddin the forests of Mexico, byGraciela Reyes Retana, María Carolina Hoyos, and LaurentDebroux. More than just hot air : carbon market access andclimate-smart agriculture for smallholder farmers, byJohannes Woelcke. Go lite ! Increasing scale and impact bycombining diagnostics and training lessons from the Ukrainefood safey project, by sarah ockman. Keeping it fresh! : hownew packaging and distribution improved the fruit andvegetable supply chain in Ukraine, by fedir rybalko and ebbejohnson. To WII or not to WII? : practical lessons fromimplementing weather index insurance for agriculture, by theAgricultural Risk Management Team of the Agriculture andRural Development Department of the World Bank. Supportingsmallholders while promoting farmer-controlled cooperativesin china, by Achim Fock and Jun Zhao. Connecting fruitsuppliers and processors : a comprehensive approach inUkraine, by Oksana Varodi. It's all about teamwork :unlocking opportunities for agribusiness in Ukraine, byAlberto Criscuolo and Shaela Rahman.