The Congo Basin represents 70 percent ofthe African continent's forest cover and constitutes alarge portion of Africa's biodiversity. Agriculturaldevelopment is a central lever to help people out ofpoverty, as well as a key driver of deforestation.Forest-friendly agricultural development is a challenge forthe region. This report describes some ways forest-friendlyagricultural development can materialize in the Congo Basin.It is one of a series of reports prepared during a two-yearattempt to analyze and better understand deforestationdynamics in the Basin. The report presents findings relatedto the agricultural sector in the Congo Basin and itspotential impact on forest cover. It is based on an in-depthanalysis of the sector, from previous trends through futureprospects. It builds on results derived from a modelingexercise conducted by the International Institute forApplied Systems Analysis (IIASA) that scrutinized national,regional, and international trends in agricultural sectorsand trade, and their impacts on Congo Basin forests. Thestructure of the report is as follows: chapter one gives anoverview of the agricultural sector in the six countries,including an analysis of the sector's impact so far onforest cover; chapter two describes the prospects fordevelopment of agriculture in the near future and thepotential impacts on forest under a business-as usualscenario; and chapter three identifies potential key leversin agricultural policy that can enable forest-friendly agriculture.