Improving Transmission Planning : Examples from Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal
Saraswat, Kavita ; Gupta, Amol
World Bank, Washington, DC
关键词: power;    electricity transmission;    grid capacity;    poverty reduction;    energy efficiency;   
RP-ID  :  106750
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Development of power transmissionnetworks requires long lead times and substantial capital.Optimization of investment is especially critical infast-growing economies such as India’s, where there arecompeting demands on financial resources, and utilities needto maintain adequate cash flow to expand electricity servicefor economic growth and poverty reduction. As shown byexamples from Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal, integrated,iterative planning of transmission and distribution usingappropriate software can provide the necessary optimizationwhile meeting the objectives of expanding grid capacity,maintaining system stability, and improving efficiency.

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