How to Set Up Government-Leg National Hygiene Communication Campaigns to Combat COVID-19 : A Strategic Blueprint
Curtis, Val ; Dreibelbis, Robert ; Sidibe, Myriam ; Cardosi, Jason ; Sara, Jennifer ; Bonell, Chris ; Mwambuli, Kaposo ; Ghosh Moulik, Soma ; White, Sian ; Aunger, Robert
Whether it’s hand hygiene, physicaldistancing, disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks, orreaching out to protect the most vulnerable, behavior changehas a key role to play in tackling the COVID-19(coronavirus) pandemic. This brief from the World Bank,London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, HarvardKennedy School and Project Clear provides guidelines andprinciples to help governments develop nationalcommunications strategies for behavior change. It draws fromacademic literature, recent research, analysis of existinginitiatives, and examples from projects across the world tooffer 10 essential components for rapidly developing acommunications strategy to combat COVID-19.