In 2010, more than 100 countriesco-sponsored a landmark resolution by the United Nation (UN)General Assembly - a decade of action for road safety tostabilize and then reduce forecasted global trafficfatalities by 2020. From 1980 to 2010, road fatalities as ashare of population rose about 13 percent worldwide, butthey rose by more than 75 percent in developing East Asia(including China) and by 66 percent in South Asia (includingIndia). Awareness and advocacy have strengthened over thepast five years, but these data suggest that developingcountries, especially in the middle-income group, will failto attain the 2020 goal set by the decade of action. Nowmidway to the end of that decade, countries are set to meetin Brazil in November to discuss ways to accelerate progresstoward the 2020 goal. The World Bank has ramped up itsfunding and focused on supporting stronger road safetymanagement, including enforcement capacity, vehicle safety,data management systems, and engagement with civil societiesand the private sector.