While the Iraqi education system waswidely regarded as one of the best in the Middle East andenjoyed near-universal primary enrollment until the 1980s,the next decade marked a serious downturn in results. Thesector witnessed low primary and secondary enrollment andattendance, outdated curriculum content, and deterioratinglearning outcomes. In order to get children back to school,the government needed large, fast, and quality investmentsin the education system. 100 million dollars was allocatedto the education sector under the World Bank Iraq Trust(ITF), set up jointly by the World Bank Group (WBG) and theUnited Nations Development Group (UNDG) to administer donorfunding for Iraqi reconstruction. This quick note summarizeshow innovative approaches to procurement led to exemplaryservice delivery results in Iraq’s education sector. Thefocus is on two breakthrough achievements: large-scaletextbook printing and delivery, under the emergency textbookprovision project and school construction in the newlyrehabilitated marshlands of Southern Iraq under themarshlands school construction project.