Mozambique ratified the WHO FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control only in 2017, but some tobaccocontrol policies were already implemented in the countrybefore that. The prevalence of current tobacco use in 2003was about 40 percent in men and 18 percent in women, whilewomen consumed predominantly smokeless tobacco. Between 2003and 2011, the level of tobacco use among women decreased:the prevalence of smoking remained at the same level, butthe use of other tobacco products substantially declined.However, among men, the prevalence of current cigarettesmoking increased. The volumes of annual cigarette salesincreased from about 2.5 billion cigarettes in 2006-2010 toabout 3.7 billion cigarettes in 2012-2013 and then declinedin 2014-2016. Since 2010, the tiered specific excises forcigarettes and mixed (ad valorem and specific) excises forother tobacco have been in place. In 2013, 2014, and 2015,the excise rates were increased. In 2013-2016 combined,tobacco prices in Mozambique increased by 85 percent innominal terms, or by 27 percent in inflation-adjusted terms.Over those years, inflation-adjusted GDP per capitaincreased by 14, and so, cigarettes became less affordable.In 2013-2015, the increase in tobacco excise became one ofthe factors of the price increase, which reduced tobaccoaffordability and probably reduced tobacco consumption andsales in the country. Tobacco excise revenue increased from3.2 billion MZN in 2012 to 3.75 billion MZN in 2015.However, all neighboring countries have cigarette prices andtaxes much higher than Mozambique. In such a situation,cigarette smuggling out of Mozambique is rather common,while cigarette smuggling into Mozambique is very unlikely.Even in the report commissioned by the tobacco industry,percentage of contraband cigarettes at the Mozambican marketwas estimated to be only 1-2 percent of total consumption.The following recommendations could provide both publichealth and fiscal benefits for Mozambique: As the firststep, cigarette specific excise rates should be unified forall kinds of cigarettes at the level currently used forhard-pack cigarettes. Then, the unified rate should beannually increased to make tobacco products less affordableover time in order to reduce consumption and prevalence inline with FCTC provisions. The issue of cigarette smugglingshould not be used in hindering the implementation of taxand price policies. Increase of cigarette taxes and pricesin Mozambique would reduce cigarette smuggling out of thecountry, and it would reduce tobacco consumption in theneighboring countries. Tobacco control monitoring, includingeconomic information on tobacco products sales, prices, andother indicators, should be much improved in the country tosupport more precise forecasts of the outcomes of thecurrent and future tobacco control activities.