The widening use of smartphones, highurbanization rates, and the rapid evolution of technologiesare driving the expansion of real time passenger information(RTPI) systems for urban transport services. RTPI providesaccurate information on actual departure and arrival timesand service disruptions, enabling passengers to planmore-efficient trips. Such public information systems canalso create an extra incentive for the transit agency tomaintain or improve performance. The market potential forRTPI systems includes installations in existing systems aswell as new infrastructure. Traditionally sold as part of alarger vehicle management system that is controlled by achosen vendor, conventional RTPI systems are a challengingexpenditure in the developing world and, given the latesttechnologies, the conventional systems represent anincreasingly outdated model. The new technologies can allowcities to obtain more economical and more adaptable RTPIsystems, and government officials should consider these newdevelopments when designing transit projects and procurement processes.