The importance of ensuring access tojustice is universally acknowledged as a global priority. Asystem that does not ensure effective access leaves citizensin situations where they are unable to exercise theirfundamental rights and protect their best interests. TheEuropean Union (EU) places the rights to an effective remedyand to a fair trial at the heart of its member states'priorities. Access to justice is a prerequisite for stateswishing to join the EU (EU 2012). Around 4 billion peopleworldwide live outside of the legal system, without enoughknowledge about their rights and the legal tools availableto protect them (OECD and OSF 2016). As a result, insecurityand lack of trust in the judiciary dissuade citizens fromengaging in economic activities. Communities experiencenegative impacts, and the situation worsens for low economicstatus and socially excluded groups (UNDP 2005). Every statehas an obligation to ensure access to justice in a way thatprotects and promotes the right to a fair trial andeffective legal assistance. Better access to information isone way of improving access to justice for citizens. ThisGovernance Note shares lessons learned from a technicalassistance package implemented in partnership withstakeholders and the government of Serbia that could beapplied in other countries.