GFDRR was established in September 2006as a global partnership of the World Bank, UN agencies andbilateral donors, located in World Bank headquarters inWashington, DC. Its missions are (a) to mainstream disasterreduction and climate change adaptation (CCA) in countrydevelopment strategies, and (b) to foster and strengthenglobal and regional cooperation among various stakeholdersunder the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction(ISDR) system.GFDRR supports the implementation of the UN2005-2015 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). Thisinternational agreement in relation to disaster riskreduction (DRR) arose from a 168-nation UN conference heldin Kyoto, Japan, in 2005. The key player for coordinatingthe implementation of HFA is the UNISDR bureau withheadquarters in Geneva and eight regional offices worldwide.Another UN agency with operational responsibility for UNdisaster related work is the UNDP-BCPR. These two UNagencies and GFDRR have complementary goals, creatingpotential for collaboration among the three organizations,but also calling for care in monitoring the risk ofoverlapping work among them and other DRR actors. UNISDR wasa founding partner of GFDRR and UNDP-BCPR became a permanentobserver to GFDRR in 2008.