The principal purpose of this GlobalProgram Review (GPR) is to learn lessons from the experienceof the Global Fund and its interaction with the Bank inthree areas: (a) the design and operation of large globalpartnership programs like the Global Fund that are financingcountry-level investments, (b) the engagement of the WorldBank with these partnership programs, and (c) the evaluationof these programs. The Review has an intensive focus on theBank's engagement with the Global Fund at the countrylevel because of the potential for competition orcollaboration between Global Fund-supported activities andthe Bank's lending operations at the country level.Therefore, it also focuses on the design and operation ofthe Global Fund-supported activities at the country level.This review was initiated before the high-level independentreview panel on fiduciary controls and oversight mechanismsof the Global Fund was commissioned in February 2011, and itwas drafted before their final report, turning the page fromemergency to sustainability, was issued on September 19,2011. While the two studies are complementary and overlap tosome extent, they were conducted independently of eachother, for different audiences, and for different purposes.