De kernopgaven bij het opleiden van leraren: kwalificatie, socialisatie en persoonsvorming van leerlingen, studenten en lerarenopleiders
Technical Sciences
K. Dijkstra ; H. Postma ; W. Keuning ; D. Bruin ; Jaap van de Loosdrecht (Lector)
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
关键词: Uav;    Gps;    Drone;    Indoor navigation;    Autonomous flight;   
来源: HBO Kennisbank
【 摘 要 】

Twirre is a new architecture for mini-UAV platformsdesigned for autonomous flight in bothGPS-enabled and GPS-deprived applications.The architecture consists of low-cost hardwareand software components. High-level controlsoftware enables autonomous operation. Exchangingor upgrading hardware components isstraightforward and the architecture is an excellentstarting point for building low-cost autonomousmini-UAVs for a variety of applications.Experiments with an implementation ofthe architecture are in development, and preliminaryresults demonstrate accurate indoor navigation

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