Probing Msugra With a Search for Chargino-Neutralino Production Using Trileptons.
Glatzer, J.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Electrons;    Fermilab collider detector;    Leptons;    Muons;    Production;   
RP-ID  :  DE2008938898
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

This thesis describes the CDF II 2 fb(sup -1) search for supersymmetric chargino-neutralino production in (radical)s = 1.96TeV p(bar p) collisions using the 'golden' channel with three leptons and missing transverse energy in the final state and the application of the results to obtain a limit on the parameter space of the supersymmetric model mSUGRA. Electrons and muons are reconstructed directly; isolated tracks are used as a proxy for (tau) leptons. Several analysis channels with different signal purity are defined and evaluated independently. Based on 7 observed and 6.4 expected background events this analysis was able set the first direct limits on chargino-neutralino production in mSUGRA since LEP. Based on mSUGRA phenomenology the sensitivity of this analysis is investigated; the mSUGRA parameter space is split into different phenomenology classes. Experimental results from previous searches in this channel by CDF and D0 have been presented for specific parameter values of a given model. A more model-independent approach is proposed and, by splitting the results of this analysis into channels based on (tau) content, the results of the analysis are generalized.

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