The purpose of the Environmental Management Performance Report (EMPR) is to provide the Department of Energy Richland Operations Office's (DOE-RL's) report of Hanford's Environmental Management (EM) performance by: Project Hanford Management Contract (PHMC) through Fluor Hanford, Inc. (FH) and its subcontractors, Environmental Restoration Contract through Bechtel Hanford, Inc. (BHI), and its subcontractors, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) for Science and Technology support to the EM Mission. The Office of Safety Regulation of the TWRS Privatization Contractor's reporting responsibilities have been transferred to the Office of River Protection; consequently, a separate report is no longer produced. This report is a monthly publication that summarizes EM Site performance under RL Operations Office. It is organized by the three sections listed above, with each section containing an Executive Summary and Area Performance Summaries. A glossary of terms is provided at the end of this report for reference purposes.