Addendum for Phase II Groundwater Flow Model of Corrective Action Unit 98: Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada. Appendix C.3.1, C.3.2, C.3.3, C.3.4, C.3.5, C.3.6, C.3.7.
The steady-state groundwater flow model described in this report was undertaken to satisfy the groundwater flow model requirement of the Addendum to Revision 1 of the Corrective Action Investigation Plan for Corrective Action Unit 98: Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nevada (NNSA/NV, 2001). A 3-D finite-element steady-state groundwater flow model was constructed for the Frenchman Flat CAU. The emphasis of this flow model analysis is not on identification of a unique model and associated parameters. Instead, the approach was to consider conceptual model uncertainties by using different combinations of the hydrostratigraphic framework models, recharge models, hydrologic boundary conditions, and the application of depth decay to propagate the high-level uncertainty associated with each of these model elements into the resulting flow fields. This suite of flow fields provides a spectrum of flow paths from individual underground nuclear tests that will be examined through transport modeling analyses.