A statistical review of the PSAL measurements of the chemical compositions and of the PCT results for the glasses making up the US test matrix is provided in this memorandum. Target, measured, and measured bias-corrected compositional views were determined for these glasses. The durability results for the US study glasses are compared to those of the Environmental Assessment (EA) glass. All of the US glasses yielded PCTs that are lower than those of the EA glass. The largest PCT values are those measured for the ccc versions of US-27 and US-18 whose boron normalized leachate (NL(B)) values in grams per liter (g/L) were 16.4 g/L (based on the targeted composition) and 10.7 g/L (based on the targeted composition), respectively. The 16.4 g/L is just below the value of 16.695 g/L for EAs NL(B) that was reported by Jantzen et al. in WSRC-TR-92-0346, Revision 1. For the quenched version of the glasses, the largest NL(B) value is 0.67 g/L (based on the targeted composition). Thus, some statistically significant differences were seen between the quenched and ccc versions for some of the glasses. It should be noted that the thirty (30) glasses making up the KRI test matrix were not included in these analyses.