Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation Reducing Barrier.
Truex, M. J. ; Vermeul, V. R. ; Long, P. E. ; Brockman, F. J. ; Oostrom, M. ; Hubbard, S.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Chromium;    Water pollution control;    Remediation;    Hexavalent chromium;    Plumes;   
RP-ID  :  DE2007914685
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

This treatability test plan supports a new, integrated strategy to accelerate cleanup of chromium in the Hanford 100 Areas. This plan includes performing a field-scale treatability test for bioreduction of chromate, nitrate, and dissolved oxygen. In addition to remediating a portion of the plume and demonstrating reduction of electron acceptors in the plume, the data from this test will be valuable for designing a full-scale bioremediation system to apply at this and other chromium plumes at Hanford.

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