Optimization of the Helical Orbits in the Tevatron.
Alexahin, Y.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Accelerators;    Fermilab tevatron;    Antiproton beams;    Antiprotons;    Beam-beam interactions;   
RP-ID  :  DE2008922064
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

To avoid multiple head-on collisions the proton and antiproton beams in the Tevatron move along separate helical orbits created by 7 horizontal and 8 vertical electrostatic separators. Still the residual long-range beam-beam interactions can adversely affect particle motion at all stages from injection to collision. With increased intensity of the beams it became necessary to modify the orbits in order to mitigate the beam-beam effect on both antiprotons and protons. This report summarizes the work done on optimization of the Tevatron helical orbits, outlines the applied criteria and presents the achieved results.

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