Microscale Zeta Potential Evaluation Using Streaming Current Measurements.
Hasselbrink, E. R. ; Hunter, M. C. ; Even, W. R. ; Irvin, J. A.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Capillary flow;    Miniaturization;    Surface potential;    Tubes;    Coatings;   
RP-ID  :  DE2001784197
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

We present a method for determination of zeta potential in capillaries and microscale devices. The use of streaming current measurements under pressure eliminates the need for high voltage measurements while providing a relatively simple means of approximating the zeta potential. This technique finds application in evaluation of coatings as well as materials for separations media and electrokinetic pumping. We will discuss the theory, in which sample porosity and tortuosity information are not required, and we will present zeta potentials of some organic and inorganic media.

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