The High Level Waste Tank Farms store and process high-level liquid wastes from a number of sources including F- and H-Canyons. These wastes are made alkaline prior to transfer to the Tank Farm and are subject to acceptance based on their composition. These wastes may contain significant concentrations of ammonia from flushing of the process vessel vent system. The Authorization Basis for the Tank Farm limits ammonia concentrations in canyon receipts to control flammability in pump tanks and waste tanks. However, during flushing of the canyon process vessel vent systems, the current limits pose significant operational restrictions. It was originally thought that the current limits based on data obtained by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), on a Hanford salt solution might be overly conservative with respect to salt solutions normally found in SRS Pump Tanks. However, on investigation of the possible range of concentrations based on canyon transfer data, it was found that pump tank salt solution concentrations probably did not differ significantly from the salt solution tested by PNNL. This report documents the work performed as originally described in the task technical plan.