Approximately 154,000 cubic meters of mixed low-level and transuranic (TRU) wastes are currently in storage at 36 DOE and non-DOE sites. This inventory, heterogeneous both physically and chemically, is composed of more than 754 waste streams. About 70% of the total inventory is categorized as TRU and packaged in a variety of containers, ranging from 55-gallon drums to fairly large cargo containers. Most of the TRU waste is destined for disposal at WIPP. Treatments for the remaining stored inventory - mixed low-level wastes - are prescribed in Consent Orders established between the sites and their host states in compliance with the Federal Facilities Compliance Act of 1992. Current DOE estimates project that an additional 217,000 cubic meters of TRU waste and 364,000 cubic meters of mixed low-level waste will be generated within the next seventy years. This waste will come primarily from environmental restoration and decontamination and decommissioning activities, as well as site operations.