We carried out a set of experiments on the Omega laser facility at Rochester with Laser MCgaJoule (LMJ) like indirect drive irradiation. We studied the irradiation non-uniformity with the foam ball radiography technique and the implosion symmetry with (D(sub 2) + Argon) filled capsules core emission. Cylindrical 'Nova scale 1' thin wall hohlraums were used. Forty of the Omega beams, arranged in three cones on each side of the hohlraum (5, 5, and 10), were used to create the X-ray drive. Eight additional beams were used on a Ti source to radiograph the foam balls. The shaped laser pulse was about 3 ns duration. The radiation drive was measured on each shot. The images were recorded with a 5 micron m resolution Gated X-ray Imager coupled to a CCD camera.