A motor system improvement project was completed at the CEMEX (formerly RMC Pacific Materials) cement plant in Davenport, California, in June 2004. The project retrofitted 13 worn motors on multiple cement blowers and silo pumps. Plant personnel evaluated the efficiency of the existing motors using DOE's MotorMaster+ software tool; this allowed them to determine that the existing units, which were inefficient and of the wrong type, required replacement. Because of this project, the plant is realizing annual energy and energy cost savings of more than 2 million kWh and $168,000, respectively, and annual maintenance cost savings of $30,000. In addition, the project has improved the plant's process control and increased throughput. A rebate from Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), CEMEX's electric utility, reduced total project costs to $134,000 for an 8-month simple payback.