For a number of years, the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the N Reactor has been stored underwater in the basins at the 100 K Area complex of the Hanford Site (K Basins). Fluor Hanford is managing a significant effort to remove the fuel from the K Basins and place it in dry storage. Removing accumulated sludges from the basins is also a part of this activity. Over time, corrosion by-products from degrading fuel rods, storage-rack rust, concrete fragments from pool walls, and environmental particulates have led to the accumulation of sludge on the floors and in the pits of the K Basins. Handling and cleaning the SNF as it is removed from the K Basins will generate additional sludge. Due to the age and condition of the basins, there is a potential for sludge and basin water to leak into the environment. This potential has created the impetus for removing the sludge, in addition to the fuel, from the basins as quickly as possible and placing it in a safe and secure storage configuration pending disposition.