Proof-of-concept flowsheet tests for caustic-side solvent extraction of cesium from tank waste.
Leonard, R. A. ; Aase, S. B. ; Arafat, H. A. ; Conner, C. ; Falkenberg, J. R. ; Vandegrift, G. F.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Cesium;    Solvent extraction;    Radioactive waste processing;    High-level radioactive wastes;    Flowsheets;   
RP-ID  :  DE2001779797
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

A caustic-side solvent extraction (CSSX) process to remove cesium from Savannah River Site (SRS) high-level waste was tested in a minicontactor (2-cm centrifugal contactor). In the first phase of this effort, the minicontactor stage efficiency was improved from 60% to greater than 80% to meet the SRS process requirements using a 32-stage CSSX flowsheet. Then, the CSSX flowsheet was demonstrated in a 32-stage unit, first without solvent recycle, then with it. In both cases, the key process goals were achieved: (1) the cesium was removed from the waste with decontamination factors greater than 40,000 and (2) the recovered cesium was concentrated by a factor of 15 in dilute nitric acid. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) analysis of the recycled solvent showed no evidence of impurity buildup.

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