Evaluation of Proposed New LLW Disposal Activity Disposal of Compacted Job Control Waste, Non-Compactible, Non-Incinerable Waste, and Other Wasteforms in Slit Trenches.
The effect of trench disposal of low-level wasteforms that were not analyzed in the original performance assessment for the E-Area low-level waste facility, but were analyzed in the revised performance assessment is evaluated. This evaluation was conducted to provide a bridge from the current waste acceptance criteria, which are based on the original performance assessment, to those that will be developed from the revised performance assessment. The conclusion of the evaluation is that any waste except for materials that would retain radionuclides more strongly than soil (e.g., activated metal) that meets the radionuclide inventory limits for trench burial based on the revised performance assessment, and presented in Table 1 of this document, is suitable for trench disposal; provided that, for cellulosic material (i.e., wood products) the current 40% restriction is retained.