The effect of disposing of low-level waste in a much larger trench than the slit trenches analyzed in the revised performance assessment for the E-Area low-level waste facility is evaluated. The conclusion of the evaluation is that such disposal is bounded by the performance assessment if two restrictions are imposed. These restrictions are: the radionuclide inventory limits for slit trench disposal derived from the revised performance assessment, rather than the radionuclide concentration or package limits, are applied to the larger trench. For stabilized waste radionuclide concentration or package limits derived from the inventory limits for these wasteforms calculated in the performance assessment and the volumetric waste capacity of the entire MegaTrench may be used if this waste fills a large-enough segment of the trench to provide structural support for the closure cap, as assumed in the performance assessment and the stabilized waste is segregated from the unstabilized waste by emplacing the stabilized waste along the edge of the trench and separating the stabilized waste from the unstabilized waste by a minimum of two feet of soil.