Swept wings and control surfaces are common elements of modern aircraft, and it has been shown both experimentally and theoretically that laminar-to-turbulent transition of the three-dimensional boundary layer that develops over them is highly sensitive to surface roughness. Numerous studies have been conducted on the effect of discrete roughness elements or distributed roughness elements on swept flow transition, however so far limited computational effort has been dedicated to the study of transition over swept wings with randomly distributed micron-sized roughness. In the present work, we set up to reproduce the extensive experimental data base generated by Dagenhart et al for the infinite swept wing NLF(2)-0415. To this purpose, we perform scale-resolving simulations of flow transition over smooth and rough surfaces using a high-order space-time spectral-element Discontinuous-Galerkin solver. Different types of surface roughnesses are implemented by elastically deforming the original mesh. The study shows that the experimental results cannot be accounted for by a perfectly smooth wing and reveals a strong sensitivity of the transition process to the representation of the surface roughness. The crossflow patterns and transition location approach those measured for some of the surface profiles, however a correlation between the wavenumber spectrum of the surface, grid resolution and boundary layer stability is yet to be established.