Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a collection of advanced technologies that allows machines to think and act, both humanly and rationally, through sensing, comprehending, acting and learning. AI's foundations lie at the intersection of several traditional fields Philosophy, Mathematics, Economics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Computer Science. Although the inception of AI started in the 1950's, it has recently made a strong comeback in all aspects of society and all over the world; this is mainly due to the timely combination of increased data volumes, advanced and mature algorithms, and improvements in computing power and storage. Current AI applications include big data analytics, robotics, intelligent sensing, assisted decision making, and speech recognition just to name a few.This workshop will be investigating how AI technologies can be adapted or developed to address the following challenges: Discover events of interest and correlations in large amounts of science data; improve the outcomes of science modeling and data assimilation using improved data processing, integration, and analysis. Design advisors for mission planning and operations, including anomaly detection and spacecraft health monitoring. Develop tools for engineering support, including advanced manufacturing, orbit determination, new component design and system engineering. Customize intelligent user interfaces, including visual analytics and natural language processing.