Since 1999, NASA's Earth Observing System Data Operations System (EDOS) project at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has provided high-rate data capture, level zero processing, and product distribution services for a majority of NASA's EOS (Earth Observing System) high-rate missions, including Terra, Aqua, Aura, ICESat, EO-1, SMAP, and OCO-2. EDOS high-rate science and engineering (150-300 Mbps) data-driven capture systems are deployed at 7 worldwide ground stations which are connected via both private (closed) and public (open) wide area networks (WANs) to the centralized EDOS Level Zero Processing Facility (LZPF) located at GSFC, where the data is processed and Level 0 products are distributed to users worldwide. All data transferred over the open networks to GSFC traverse an IPSec tunnel, providing the same level of security as a VPN connection. EDOS produces both time-based and near real-time products (session-based). Near real-time data products are produced from a single ground station contact; time-based products are produced from multiple ground station contacts. EDOS is the primary supplier of EOS Level 0 data to the NASA near real-time user community known as the Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE). For the past few years, EDOS has streamlined its systems to reduce WAN latency for near real-time data delivery, including implementing Quality of Service (QoS), expanding closed network bandwidth, adding open network connections with more bandwidth, and implementing a delay-tolerant protocol to mitigate long round-trip times to remote ground stations.