This report is the published product of a project by the British Geological Survey (BGS).The Africa Groundwater Atlas (referred to in this report as the Atlas) is an online resourcedeveloped by the BGS, in collaboration with hydrogeologists across Africa. The Atlas provides asummary of the groundwater resources of 51 African countries, and a gateway to furtherinformation, available at Atlas presents new digital GIS maps showing the hydrogeology (aquifer type andproductivity) and geology (with particular relevance to hydrogeology) of each of 48 Africancountries, at a scale of 1:5 million. Version 1.0 of the dataset was released in 2019. The initialrelease was of digital maps for 38 countries. Maps for an additional 10 countries will be releasedlater.This guide is written for users of these new digital country maps. It describes their format, scale,attributes and content, how they were developed and what underlying datasets they are based on.A basic appreciation of Geographical Information System (GIS) terminology will help readersunderstand some of the information given here.