Climate Change: The Role of the U.S. Agriculture Sector
Johnson, Renée
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
关键词: Climatic changes;    Global climate change;    Agriculture;    Greenhouse gases;   
RP-ID  :  RL33898
RP-ID  :  RL33898_2009Nov09
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This report is organized in three parts. First, it discusses the extent of GHG emissions associated with the U.S. agriculture sector, and cites current and potential estimates for U.S. agricultural soils to sequester carbon and partly offset national GHG emissions. Second, the report describes the types of land management and farm conservation practices that can reduce GHG emissions and/or sequester carbon in agricultural soils, highlighting those practices that are currently promoted under existing voluntary federal agricultural programs. The Appendix provides a summary primer of the key background information presented in these first two sections. Finally, the report describes ongoing legislative action within both the climate change and farm bill debates, and discusses the types of questions that may be raised regarding the role of the U.S. agriculture sector in the broader climate change debate.

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