Mountain Research and Development
Encounters Between Experiences and Measurements: The Role of Local Knowledge in Climate Change Research
Julia Kieslinger1  Perdita Pohle1  Viviana Buitrón2  Thorsten Peters1 
[1] 1Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Geographie;2Asociación Geográfica del Ecuador
关键词: Climatic changes;    climate adaptation;    local/regionalclimate data analysis;    participatory approach;    rural livelihoods;    context vulnerability;    Ecuador;    Andes;   
DOI  :  10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-18-00063.1
来源: BioOne
【 摘 要 】

Innovative approachescould enhance scientificinsights into how climatechange affects mountainecosystems andlivelihoods and enrichclimate action. Using aninter- and transdisciplinaryapproach in a remotetropical dry forest region of the Andes in southern Ecuador, thisarticle combines local knowledge about climate change andadaptation, based on perceptions and experiences, withquantitative climate measurements. Our theoretical frameworkis based on the concept of vulnerability and sustainablelivelihoods perspectives. Methodologically, we draw on theParticipatory Rural Appraisal approach. Participatory workshopsand qualitative interviews were carried out in the canton ofMacara between 2015 and 2017. Local and regional climatedata series were analyzed for climate trends and extremeevents. Our study improves understanding of the social andphysical dimension of climate change. Especially in mountainareas, differing scales of climate data must be considered tocapture local climate conditions and changes. Thus, localknowledge could make a major contribution to selectingrepresentative climate datasets, estimating local impacts ofclimate change, and developing adaptation policies.

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