Assessment of Current Process Modeling Approaches to Determine Their Limitations, Applicability and Developments Needed for Long-Fiber Thermoplastic Injection Molded Composites
Nguyen, Ba Nghiep ; Holbery, Jim ; Smith, Mark T. ; Kunc, Vlastimil ; Norris, Robert E. ; Phelps, Jay ; Tucker III, Charles L.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S.)
关键词: Thermoplastics;    Fibers;    Molding;    36 Materials Science;    Mathematical Models;   
DOI  :  10.2172/973456
RP-ID  :  PNNL-16236
RP-ID  :  AC05-76RL01830
RP-ID  :  973456
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This report describes the status of the current process modeling approaches to predict the behavior and flow of fiber-filled thermoplastics under injection molding conditions. Previously, models have been developed to simulate the injection molding of short-fiber thermoplastics, and an as-formed composite part or component can then be predicted that contains a microstructure resulting from the constituents’ material properties and characteristics as well as the processing parameters. Our objective is to assess these models in order to determine their capabilities and limitations, and the developments needed for long-fiber injection-molded thermoplastics (LFTs). First, the concentration regimes are summarized to facilitate the understanding of different types of fiber-fiber interaction that can occur for a given fiber volume fraction. After the formulation of the fiber suspension flow problem and the simplification leading to the Hele-Shaw approach, the interaction mechanisms are discussed. Next, the establishment of the rheological constitutive equation is presented that reflects the coupled flow/orientation nature. The decoupled flow/orientation approach is also discussed which constitutes a good simplification for many applications involving flows in thin cavities. Finally, before outlining the necessary developments for LFTs, some applications of the current orientation model and the so-called modified Folgar-Tucker model are illustrated through the fiber orientation predictions for selected LFT samples.

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