A Multivariate Time Series Method for Monte Carlo Reactor Analysis
Ueki, Taro
University of New Mexico
关键词: Fission;    Monte Carlo Methods;    Time Series;    Lanl;    Nuclear Engineering;   
DOI  :  10.2172/935876
RP-ID  :  DOE/ID/14705
RP-ID  :  FG07-05ID14705
RP-ID  :  935876
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

A robust multivariate time series method has been established for the Monte Carlo calculation of neutron multiplication problems. The method is termed Coarse Mesh Projection Method (CMPM) and can be implemented using the coarse statistical bins for acquisition of nuclear fission source data. A novel aspect of CMPM is the combination of the general technical principle of projection pursuit in the signal processing discipline and the neutron multiplication eigenvalue problem in the nuclear engineering discipline. CMPM enables reactor physicists to accurately evaluate major eigenvalue separations of nuclear reactors with continuous energy Monte Carlo calculation. CMPM was incorporated in the MCNP Monte Carlo particle transport code of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The great advantage of CMPM over the traditional Fission Matrix method is demonstrated for the three space-dimensional modeling of the initial core of a pressurized water reactor.

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