METHANE de-NOX for Utility PC Boilers
Bryan, Bruce ; Rabovitser, Joseph ; Nester, Serguei ; Wohadlo, Stan
Institute of Gas Technology
关键词: Removal;    Modifications;    Combustion;    Heat Treatments;    Burners;   
DOI  :  10.2172/895038
RP-ID  :  None
RP-ID  :  FC26-00NT40752
RP-ID  :  895038
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
Preparations for conducting large-scale combustion tests with caking bituminous coal continued during the start of this quarter. Major project accomplishments related to bituminous coal testing included: a CFD preheat model and evaluation, an update of the process flow diagram and a detailed preheat burner mechanical design (suitable for construction) for firing bituminous coal. Installation and testing of the 85 MMBtu/h bituminous coal preheating system was planned to take place before the end of December. Based on the inability to conduct testing in Riley's Commercial Burner Test Facility (CBTF) during freezing weather, a schedule review indicated required site work for testing bituminous coal at the CBTF could not be completed before freezing weather set in at the site. Further bituminous preheat modification work was put on hold and efforts turned to securing the test facility over the winter season. Bituminous coal tests are therefore delayed; April-May 2005 is earliest estimate of when testing can resume. A request for a time extension was submitted to DOE to extend the project through September 2005 to allow time to secure additional funding and complete the bituminous coal testing. Removal of the PRB PC Preheater from the CBTF burner deck was completed. Decommissioning of the CBTF for the winter was also completed.
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