Results from an International Simulation Study on Couples Thermal, Hydrological, and Mechanical (THM) Processes Near Geological Nuclear Waste Repositories
Rutqvist, J. ; Birkholzer, J.T> ; Chijimatsu, M. ; Kolditz, O. ; Liu, Q.S. ; Oda, Y. ; Wang, W. ; Zhang, C.Y.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: Fluid Flow;    Radioactive Wastes;    Simulation;    Wastes;    12 Management Of Radioactive Wastes, And Non-Radioactive Wastes From Nuclear Facilities;   
DOI  :  10.2172/893930
RP-ID  :  NA
RP-ID  :  NA
RP-ID  :  893930
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

As part of the ongoing international code comparison project DECOVALEX, four research teams used five different models to simulate coupled thermal, hydrological, and mechanical (THM) processes near underground waste emplacement drifts. The simulations were conducted for two generic repository types with open or back-filled repository drifts under higher and lower post-closure temperature, respectively. In the completed first model inception phase of the project, a good agreement was achieved between the research teams in calculating THM responses for both repository types, although some disagreement in hydrological responses are currently being resolved. Good agreement in the basic thermal-mechanical responses was achieved for both repository types, even with some teams using relatively simplified thermal-elastic heat-conduction models that neglect complex near-field thermal-hydrological processes. The good agreement between the complex and simplified (and well-known) process models indicates that the basic thermal-mechanical responses can be predicted with a relatively high confidence level. The research teams have now moved on to the second phase of the project, the analysis of THM-induced permanent (irreversible) changes and the impact of those changes on the fluid flow field near an emplacement drift.

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