Review of Mass Spectrometry Data from Waste Tank Headspace Analyses
Sklarew, Debbie S. ; Mitroshkov, Alexandre V.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S.)
关键词: Waste Tank Headspace;    Mass Spectrometry;    Wastes Mass Spectrometry;    Air;    Mass Spectra;   
DOI  :  10.2172/878137
RP-ID  :  PNNL-15673
RP-ID  :  AC05-76RL01830
RP-ID  :  878137
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Numerous analytes have been categorized as tentatively identified compounds (TICs) in air samples from the headspaces of the Hanford Site high-level radioactive waste tanks. The tentative identification of these compounds was based mainly on the agreement between the observed mass spectra and a library of published mass spectra with consideration given to the gas chromatographic conditions and retention times. Many of the TICs were found in a limited number of tanks, were identified by only one laboratory or by one method, and/or were thought to be unlikely components of the waste or its degradation products. Consequently, the mass spectra of selected analytes have been reviewed to determine if their tentative identifications were correct. From our current review of 49 TICs, we found 25 that were misidentified and recommend that 54 of the associated results be flagged as suspect and 22 of the associated results be assigned a different compound name.

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