Letter Report: Borehole Flow and Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity with Depth at Well ER-12-4
Oberlander, Phil L. ; Russell, Charles E.
Desert Research Institute, Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada
关键词: Flowmeters;    Pumping;    Flow Rate;    Boreholes;    Nevada Test Site;   
DOI  :  10.2172/862130
RP-ID  :  DOE/NV/13609-LTR2005-003
RP-ID  :  AC52-00NV13609
RP-ID  :  862130
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Borehole flow and fluid temperature during pumping were measured at well ER-12-4 at the Nevada Test Site in Nye County, Nevada. This well was constructed to characterize the carbonate aquifer. The well is cased from land surface to the total depth at 1,132 m (3,713 ft bgs) below ground surface (bgs). The screened section of the well consists of alternating sections of slotted well screen and blank casing from 948 to 1,132 m bgs (3,111 to 3,713 ft bgs). Borehole flow velocity (LT-1) with depth was measured with an impeller flowmeter from the top of the screened section to the maximum accessible depth while the well was pumped and under ambient conditions. A complicating factor to data interpretation is that the well was not filter packed and there is upward and downward vertical flow in the open annulus under ambient and pumping conditions. The open annulus in the well casing likely causes the calculated borehole flow rates being highly nonrepresentative of inflow from the formation. Hydraulic conductivities calculated under these conditions would require unsupportable assumptions and would be subject to very large uncertainties. Borehole hydraulic conductivities are not presented under these conditions.

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