Seismic Consequence Abstraction
Gross, M.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: Criticality;    License Applications;    Ground Motion;    Simulation;    Wastes;   
DOI  :  10.2172/837501
RP-ID  :  MDL-WIS-PA-000003, REV 01
RP-ID  :  AC28-01RW12101
RP-ID  :  837501
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The primary purpose of this model report is to develop abstractions for the response of engineered barrier system (EBS) components to seismic hazards at a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, and to define the methodology for using these abstractions in a seismic scenario class for the Total System Performance Assessment - License Application (TSPA-LA). A secondary purpose of this model report is to provide information for criticality studies related to seismic hazards. The seismic hazards addressed herein are vibratory ground motion, fault displacement, and rockfall due to ground motion. The EBS components are the drip shield, the waste package, and the fuel cladding. The requirements for development of the abstractions and the associated algorithms for the seismic scenario class are defined in ''Technical Work Plan For: Regulatory Integration Modeling of Drift Degradation, Waste Package and Drip Shield Vibratory Motion and Seismic Consequences'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 171520]). The development of these abstractions will provide a more complete representation of flow into and transport from the EBS under disruptive events. The results from this development will also address portions of integrated subissue ENG2, Mechanical Disruption of Engineered Barriers, including the acceptance criteria for this subissue defined in Section of the ''Yucca Mountain Review Plan, Final Report'' (NRC 2003 [DIRS 163274]).

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