McPherson, Brian ; Allis, Rick ; Biediger, Barry ; Brown, Joel ; Cappa, Jim ; Guthrie, George ; Hughes, Richard ; Kim, Eugene ; Lee, Robert ; Leppin, Dennis ; Mankin, Charles ; Paananen, Orman ; Pawar, Rajesh ; Peterson, Tarla ; Rauzi, Steve ; Stuth, Jerry ; Young, Genevieve
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (United States)
关键词: Carbon;    Public Policy;    Storage;    Carbon Sequestration;    29 Energy Planning, Policy And Economy;   
DOI  :  10.2172/836636
RP-ID  :  FC26-03NT41983
RP-ID  :  836636
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The Southwest Partnership Region includes six whole states, including Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Utah, roughly one-third of Texas, and significant portions of adjacent states. The Partnership comprises a large, diverse group of expert organizations and individuals specializing in carbon sequestration science and engineering, as well as public policy and outreach. The main objective of the Southwest Partnership project is to achieve an 18% reduction in carbon intensity by 2012. The Partnership made great progress in this first year. Action plans for possible Phase II carbon sequestration pilot tests in the region are almost finished, including both technical and non-technical aspects necessary for developing and carrying out these pilot tests. All partners in the Partnership are taking an active role in evaluating and ranking optimum sites and technologies for capture and storage of CO{sub 2} in the Southwest Region. We are identifying potential gaps in all aspects of potential sequestration deployment issues.

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