Electroactive Materials For Anion Separation-Technetium From Nitrate
William H. Smyrl, PI ; Gronda, Dr. Ann
University of Minnesota /Corrosion Research Center/Dept of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science (United States)
关键词: Coatings;    Surface Area;    Capacity;    Nitrates;    Polymers;   
DOI  :  10.2172/820950
RP-ID  :  doe/er/14927
RP-ID  :  FG07-98ER14927
RP-ID  :  820950
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

In order to increase the capacity of electroactive polymers for radioactive waste separations, we have focused on two ways of processing these polymers: phase inversion, and coating onto a porous conductive substrate. Both techniques are intended to increase the surface area for access of the guest anions to the intercalation host. Phase inversion of polyvinylferrocene (PVF) was unsuccessful, but we were able to use electroprecipitation to coat PVF onto porous carbon substrates such as Toray paper. Due to the wide molecular weight distribution and batch variations of commercial PVF, we have chosen to examine the more manageable polyaniline.

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