Low cost methodologies to analyze and correct abnormal production decline in stripper gas wells
James, J. ; Huck, G. ; Knobloch, T.
Federal Energy Technology Center (U.S.)
关键词: Research Programs;    Economics;    Implementation;    Data Acquisition;    Efficiency;   
DOI  :  10.2172/775472
RP-ID  :  DE--FG26-99FT40699-02
RP-ID  :  FG26-99FT40699
RP-ID  :  775472
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The goal of this research program is to develop and deliver a procedure guide of low cost methodologies to analyze and correct problems with stripper wells experiencing abnormal production declines. A study group of wells will provide data to determine the historic frequency of the problem of abnormal production declines in stripper gas wells and the historic frequency of the causes of the production problems. Once the most frequently occurring causes of the production problems are determined, data collection forms and decision trees will be designed to cost-effectively diagnose these problems and suggest corrective action. Finally, economic techniques to solve the most frequently occurring problems will be researched and implemented. These systematic methodologies and techniques will increase the efficiency of problem assessment and implementation of solutions for stripper gas wells. This second quarterly technical report describes the data reduction and methodology to develop data collection forms of pertinent information to assist in analysis of problem wells. The report also describes the procedures to categorize individual well problems. Finally, the report summarizes the frequency of individual well problems.

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