Final Report: Regulation and Function of Two Cell Wall protein Genes in Me Dicago Roots and Root Nodules, August 1, 1995 - January 31, 1999
Cooper, James B.
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA (United States)
关键词: Peptides;    Antibodies;    Chromatography;    Genes;    Rabbits;   
DOI  :  10.2172/765642
RP-ID  :  None
RP-ID  :  FG03-95ER20192
RP-ID  :  765642
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
During the period of DOE funding we synthesized several PRP peptides, generated rabbit antisera against two PRP repeats found in early nodulin PRPs, and developed confocal microscopy methods for root immunohistochemistry. Using the antibodies, we completed extensive descriptive studies of PRP deposition in medic and alfalfa roots showing that PRPs deposition is developmentally regulated in roots and spatially restricted within the walls of specific root tissues. Domain-specific antibodies were isolated from polyclonal sera using peptide affinity chromatography and were then used to demonstrate that nodule-specific epitopes are shared by several nodule-specific proteins. The following provides a more detailed summary of this work.
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