An Innovative Reactor Analysis Methodology Based on a Quasidiffusion Nodal Core Model. Quarterly Technical Progress Report, April 1 - June 30, 2000
Anistratov, Dmitriy Y. ; Adams, Marvin L. ; Palmer, Todd S. ; Smith, Kord S.
Texas A and M University (United States)
关键词: Group Constants;    Geometry;    Nuclear Energy;    29 Energy Planning, Policy And Economy;    Boundary Conditions;   
DOI  :  10.2172/762753
RP-ID  :  FG03-99SF21922
RP-ID  :  762753
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
The status summary of Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) Tasks - Phase 1 are: Task 1--The development of the following methods in 1D slab geometry: (1) Homogenization and definition of discontinuity factors, (2) Group constants functionalization using assembly transport solution of multigroup eigenvalue problem with albedo boundary conditions, and (3) solving coarse-mesh effective few-group 1D QD moment equations using tables of data parameterized with respect to the ratio {rvec n} {center_dot} {rvec J}{sup G}/{tilde {phi}{sup G}} on boundaries. Status summary of NERI Tasks - Phase 1: Task 2--Development of a numerical method for solving the 2D few-group moment QD equations: (1) Development of a nodal discretization method for 2D moment QD equations, and (2) Development of an efficient iteration method for solving the system of equations of the nodal discretization method for 2D moment QD equations.
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