Bunching for shorter damping rings for the ILC
Neuffer, David ; /Fermilab
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
关键词: Accelerators;    43 Particle Accelerators;    Tesla Linear Collider;    Beam Bunching;    Damping Accelerators;   
DOI  :  10.2172/15017338
RP-ID  :  AC02-76CH03000
RP-ID  :  15017338
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

A variant rearrangement of the bunch trains for the ILC that enables much shorter damping rings is presented. In a particular example the {approx}2280 bunches are regrouped into {approx}450 subtrains of five adjacent bunches. These subtrains are extracted from the damping rings at {approx}2.2 {micro}s intervals, obtaining the 1ms macrobunch length of the baseline TESLA collider scenario. If the baseline damping rf frequency is 325 MHz and the kicker rise and fall times are {approx}20 ns, a ring circumference of {approx}4.5km is required. Variations of the scheme could easily reduce the circumference to {approx}3km, and faster kickers could reduce it even further.

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