Confined cooperative self-assembly and synthesis of optically and electrically active nanostructures : final LDRD report
Coker, Eric Nicholas ; Haddad, Raid Edward (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM) ; Fan, Hongyou ; Ta, Anh (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM) ; Bai, Feng (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM) ; Rodriguez, Mark Andrew ; Huang, Jian Yu
Sandia National Laboratories
关键词: Optical Properties;    77 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology;    Nanostructures;    Surface Area;    X-Ray Diffraction;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1029766
RP-ID  :  SAND2011-7311
RP-ID  :  AC04-94AL85000
RP-ID  :  1029766
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

In this project, we developed a confined cooperative self-assembly process to synthesize one-dimensional (1D) j-aggregates including nanowires and nanorods with controlled diameters and aspect ratios. The facile and versatile aqueous solution process assimilates photo-active macrocyclic building blocks inside surfactant micelles, forming stable single-crystalline high surface area nanoporous frameworks with well-defined external morphology defined by the building block packing. Characterizations using TEM, SEM, XRD, N{sub 2} and NO sorption isotherms, TGA, UV-vis spectroscopy, and fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy indicate that the j-aggregate nanostructures are monodisperse and may further assemble into hierarchical arrays with multi-modal functional pores. The nanostructures exhibit enhanced and collective optical properties over the individual chromophores. This project was a small footprint research effort which, nonetheless, produced significant progress towards both the stated goal as well as unanticipated research directions.

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